We work both Residential and Commercial Projects

Lone Star College Tomball Campus

We Are A Ready Mix Concrete Supplier
We Formulate, Mix and Pour Concrete with consistent and reliable results
Solid Rock Ready Mix Inc. produces durable, high performance, consistent and accurately measured custom formulated ready mix concrete for construction, commercial and residential applications.

Housing Projects
We work with custom home designers and developers to pour concrete for foundations and other concrete applications.
We work on construction projects in and around Houston and can produce concrete for a variety of applications, big or small.
We work with developers all over the city and formulate concrete for specific uses in projects ranging from strip malls to skyscrapers.
Solid Rock Ready Mix Inc.
Trusted By Clients All Over Houston
Call Us
5515 Breen Drive
Houston, TX 77086
19230 Becker Rd.
Hockley, Texas 77447
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We Are The Concrete Experts

Your Construction Needs Covered
Purchase quality ready-mix concrete at Solid Rock Ready Mix in Houston, TX. We provide pre-made concrete, specific to your construction needs. We can also design the substrate depending on what is required to complete your construction project. With us, you can rest easy, knowing that your structure will be durable and well made from quality concrete materials.

Smart Concrete Technology
Our company is committed to providing superior concrete products and services to our commercial and residential clients. With this, we provide concrete mix specially designed for any type of concrete applications. Trust us to deliver any volume of concrete orders and take on any type of concrete project.